Included Features
Regular expressions (Uses the standard Microsoft .Net Regular Expressions: Quick Reference)
Concurrent multiple file types
Recursive directory searching
A "context" feature that selects the lines above and below your search expression, or view entire file
Most Recently Used list for search paths, file types, and search text
Ability to save or print all results or a selection
Customize the colors used in the preview area
Right click to open file with editor of your choice at specific line (if editor supports it)
Match Whole Word Only
Syntax highlighting when viewing full file contents (if extension supported)
Summary of all results
Free of charge and Open Source
Concurrent multiple file types
Recursive directory searching
A "context" feature that selects the lines above and below your search expression, or view entire file
Most Recently Used list for search paths, file types, and search text
Ability to save or print all results or a selection
Customize the colors used in the preview area
Right click to open file with editor of your choice at specific line (if editor supports it)
Match Whole Word Only
Syntax highlighting when viewing full file contents (if extension supported)
Summary of all results
Free of charge and Open Source
Possible Upcoming Features
search Microsoft Word files
sort indicator for results list
save settings to file instead of using registry (automatically upgrade to use file if registry settings exist)
refine search code (possible speed improvements)
support for different languages
search using IFilters
add help to application
allow user selected fonts for results file list and text viewing area
search pdf documents
search mp3 tags (possible plugin)
add searching in archived files (.zip, .rar, etc.)
dark mode
add save/restore search session
text replacement
sort indicator for results list
save settings to file instead of using registry (automatically upgrade to use file if registry settings exist)
refine search code (possible speed improvements)
support for different languages
search using IFilters
add help to application
allow user selected fonts for results file list and text viewing area
search pdf documents
search mp3 tags (possible plugin)
add searching in archived files (.zip, .rar, etc.)
dark mode
add save/restore search session
text replacement